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- Written by Amna
- Category: Indian Spices
- Hits: 400
Cinnamon sticks and powder are extensively used in Middle Eastern and Indian food because of their strong medicinal properties and aromatic flavours. The use of cinnamon in sweets is used to counterbalance the effect of excessive consumption of sugar. Cinnamon helps lower and maintain a healthy blood sugar level.
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- Written by Amna
- Category: Indian Spices
- Hits: 407
Cumin is the most common spice in almost all Indian and Pakistani dishes. The use of cumin is mostly a starting point for many curries, where cumin seeds are added to hot oil to release aromatic flavours
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- Written by Amna
- Category: Indian Spices
- Hits: 443
Clove is essential to spice used in most Indian & Pakistani food especially curries. The clove adds a strong taste to the curries and takes away the smell of meats. Two to three cloves are enough for I kg of meat. Too much added to the dishes can spoil the taste.
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- Written by Amna
- Category: Indian Spices
- Hits: 334
You can find ajwain - Carmon seeds in almost every Indian and Pakistani kitchen because of the common use of this spice in most dishes. Ajwain is commonly used for its strong taste and smell in tadka - heating in oil and powered over lentils and soups.
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- Written by Amna
- Category: Indian Spices
- Hits: 375
Cardamom is a sweet-smelling herb commonly used in many Indian, Pakistan and Middle Eastern dishes. With strong fragrant properties, cardamom makes an essential part of many sweets and an essential ingredient to herbal teas.
Cardamoms can help fight bad breath, add flavour the herbal teas and generally good for digestion. Cardamom helps in lowering blood pressure and has diuretic and antioxidant properties.