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rabri doodh
DescriptionRabri is a sweet, condensed-milk-based dish, originating from the Indian subcontinent. Rabri Doodh shares a similar recipe and is popular among Pakistanis.
daal ka halwa
DescriptionHalwa is popular in Western Asia, Central and South Asia, the Balkans, the Caucasus, Eastern Europe, Malta, North Africa and the Horn of Africa.
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DescriptionDon't like coffee? Do not worry! foodieencounters has you covered! Bringing you a delicious coffee replacement, the hi-octane tea, rich in taste and energy!
gajar ka halwa
DescriptionGajar Ka Halwa is a sweet dessert pudding associated mainly with India and Pakistan. It consists of carrots, milk and sugar and then cooked, stirring regularly.

Raita Recipe

DescriptionRaita is an Indian/Pakistani side dish of yogurt containing chopped cucumber or other vegetables, and spices. Usually enjoyed with curry dishes.
kachumar salad
DescriptionThis is a type of salad in which all the ingredients are mashed and thoroughly mixed.
pumpkin and coconut soup
DescriptionThe natural sweetness of the pumpkin is heightened by the addition of a little sugar in this lovely looking soup but this is balanced by the chillies and shrimp
mixed vegetable soup
DescriptionIn Thailand, this type of soup is usually made in large quantities and then reheated for consumption over several days.