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thai omelette
DescriptionThai food often cleverly combines hot chilli with sweet flavors, as in the filling for the omelettes. It makes an interesting contrast to the omelettes' flavor.
chicken satay
DescriptionThese miniature kebabs are popular all over South-East Asia. Chicken Satay is a regular ingredient of Malaysian Restaurant Menus across the world.
beef in oyster sauce
DescriptionOyster sauce describes a number of sauces made by cooking oysters. Combining it with beef, and you can experience a taste you've never experienced with beef.
carrot cake
DescriptionCarrot cake is cake that contains carrots mixed into the batter. Most modern carrot cake recipes have a white cream cheese frosting.
coffee cake
DescriptionCoffee cake is a perfect evening snack, usually served with tea and biscuits to enjoy the cozy winter evenings.
cinnamon rolls
DescriptionA cinnamon roll is a sweet roll commonly served in Northern Europe and North America. It has really sweet taste and the texture similar to a croissant or bread.
garlic prawns

Garlic Prawns Recipe

Seafood Recipe
DescriptionPrawn are types of seafood that are consumed worldwide. Garlic Prawns are famous for their exquisite taste and texture.
ravioli with herbs
DescriptionRavioli are a type of pasta comprising a filling enveloped in thin pasta dough. Usually served in broth or with a sauce. Popular in the Italian Cuisine.